Alluvion (conversion) 2005

Alluvion (into the sky), 2006-07

Alluvion (redefinition) 2006

detail of Alluvion(redfinition) 2006

Alluvion (within) 2006

Alluvion (elevate1 and 2) 2005

Alluvion (elevate 1) 2005

Red Alluvion (ecstasis 1) 2007-09

Red Alluvion (ecstasis 2) 2007-09

Red Alluvion (ecstasis 3) 2007-09

Red Alluvion (reach) 2008

Red Alluvion (rejoin) 2007-08

Red Alluvion (entrance) 2008

Red Alluvion (column) 2007-08

Red Alluvion ( procession) 2008-09

Alluvion (ladder) 2006

Alluvion (ascent and cottonwood falls) 2005

Alluvion (ascent and cottonwood falls) 2005

detail of Alluvion ( cottonwood falls) 2005

detail of Alluvion ( cottonwood falls) 2005

Red Alluvion (canyonesque) 2005-09

Red Alluvion (enfold) 2007-08

Alluvion (enrich) 2006-09

Red Alluvion (ascension) 2008

Red Alluvion (passage) 2007-08

Red Alluvion (engulf), 2007-08

Alluvion (thrust) 2009

Alluvion detail

Alluvion (jacob) 2007-10

Alluvion (uplift) 2006

Alluvion (lakeshore 1) 2004-05

Alluvion (shelter) 2006
all images © fulton 2010